Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Not just another Monday or me

Yesterday was not a typical Monday for me. I left work at noon to go to a chiropractor. My back has been bothering me and it has moved down my arm and into my fingers, so I figured it’s about time to do something. A pinched nerve or feels like it. My brother gave me my first visit as a Christmas gift. It’s a good thing too because this one time visit was $220.00. Wow!!! Thanks, Doc but I won’t be back, not at those prices!!! I can’t afford it! It did help a little but more visits were needed to totally solve my problem. My company does not offer medical insurance and it’s a shame medical expenses have hit the roof over the years. So I can’t afford to ever be sick!! It’s a good thing I am notorious for trying to heal myself. Sometimes I can get myself well with home remedies and only when that doesn’t work, then I break down and go to the doctor. So, that was Monday for me!! How about you? How was your Monday? Debra

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