Friday, February 10, 2012


I wish I had a cure for evil. Just take this pill and you would never take advantage or abuse anything or anybody ever again. I just went into my facebook and saw a picture of a baby dog that had been abused and it made me cry and if you know me personally then you know, it takes a lot to make me cry! I can’t post the picture because I can’t bear to look at it, but believe me, its bad. This really touched by heart and it’s hard to believe there are those people walking and talking among us!! I am an easy going person and I’ll be the first one there if you ever need help, but you want a fight? You’ve got one with me if I ever see anybody abuse an animal, a child, an elderly person or anybody helpless to defend themselves. It takes an evil person through and through, working directly for the devil to do these things. I am asking EVERYONE to please don’t be that person to look the other way because you don’t want to get involved. If you even suspect anybody of doing these things, if nothing else, call the police… something, anything to help!!!!

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